Instant Pot Peanut Butter Cheesecake Recipe with Nutter Butter Crust

Instant Pot Desserts

  • Instant Pot Vietnamese Coffee Flan Recipe (Bánh Flan Cà Phê)

    November 29, 2018Van

    This recipe combines two delicacies brought to Vietnam by Europeans; Flan and Coffee. Believe it or not, the region of Vietnam was not the coffee producing powerhouse it is today. The French introduced coffee to Vietnam sometime in the 1850s…and its now something synonymous with the flavors of Vietnam. Can you believe coffee wasn’t always…

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  • Instant Pot Matcha Cheesecake Recipe

    November 22, 2018Van

    Regular readers of my blog already know my love affair with cheesecake. The flavor options are absolutely unlimited. Depending on the season— and my mood—its exhilarating to discover new flavors that play on the sweet and savory motif inherent in this creamy delicacy. Matcha has a strong hold on me. Years ago I came upon…

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  • Instant Pot Snickers Cheesecake Recipe

    October 17, 2018Van

    You can’t go wrong with a classic NY Cheesecake (recipe here). It may be the perfect dessert—everybody seems to like it yet it’s hard to find a really good slice. But what if I told you I not only have the BEST cheesecake recipe of all time, but I’ve one-upped it!??? Now that Halloween is…

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  • Instant Pot Chocolate Flan Cake Recipe (Chocoflan)

    April 29, 2018Van

    Chocolate Flan Cake is Mexican dessert also known as Chocoflan or Impossible Cake – it’s one of the most delicious desserts consisting of a thick velvety flan on top of a rich brownie like chocolate cake with a caramel topping. When you put the cake together, you pour the chocolate cake batter on the bottom…

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  • The BEST Instant Pot New York CHEESECAKE Recipe

    February 22, 2018Van

    Cheesecake is a deceptively simple dessert.  There’s nowhere to hide with a plain cheesecake—it’s all about the marriage of flavor and texture. That creamy, rich filling over a deliciously crisp cookie crust is the perfect combination in my book.  I’ve had cheesecake all over the U.S. but, most cheesecakes were mediocre!  Even the widely accepted…

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