Japanese Curry is probably the most delicious British-influenced food in existence. Yes-thats right. This delicious staple of Japanese Cuisine was originally adopted by the Japanese Navy from the British Navy as a way to avoid a vitamin B deficiency. Thank goodness they did, because this dish is a hit in any culture.
After years of wasting my time and money buying this dish at numerous Southern California Curry Houses—I figured out a way to beat their common curry with some delectable add-ons. Its typical for Japanese quick serve restaurants to use a standard curry mix (i.e. Golden Curry, Vermont or Java) and truly skimp on all the flavor building accoutrements. Come along and follow my truly unique Japanese Curry Recipe to take your taste buds to the next level.
The Golden Curry Package is your canvas—and we all know that every painter has their own arsenal of tricks to unleash their masterpiece.
S&B brand Golden Curry Sauce Mix & S&B Togarashi. You can find this curry at your local Asian market or you can order it from Amazon, click on the picture for the exact one to order. You can find the red Fukujinzuke at Japanese markets in the refrigerated section.