My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki’s Bento Recipe

March 18, 2022Van
Blog post

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Serves: 1

My Neighbor Totoro is one of my favorite films, it’s the most touching story of the innocence and beauty of childhood and how magical life can be. I love the way the food looked in the film and wanted to recreate the bento that Satsuki makes for Mei.

My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki’s Bento Recipe

Satsuki fills an oval bento box with rice and tops it with grilled Shishamo, Umeboshi, Edamame and Sakura Denbu (order here). Sakura Denbu is cooked and dried codfish flakes that’s colored pink, it’s slightly sweet and salty. You can find any of these ingredients at your local Japanese market or you can order Japanese ingredients and groceries from Weee!, they delivery directly to your house.  My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki’s Bento Recipe

Grilled Shishamo or Smelt can be eaten whole, the bones are very soft, so it’s a good source of calcium My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki’s Bento Recipe

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My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki’s Bento Recipe

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Cook time: 10 minutes
  • Serves: 1



  • 1)

    Sprinkle salt onto the Shishamo. Cook on medium heat in a non-stick oiled pan until it’s cooked through and slightly golden. Fill an oval bento box with cooked short grain rice. Place the cooked shishamo in the center . Add an Umeboshi on the right side of the bento. Sprinkle on Sakura Denbu on the top half of the left side and add Edamame next to the Sakura Denbu. Enjoy!

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